Mum tattoos her 12 year old daughter

Anna Yates, 29 from North Carolina has been arrested for tattooing her 12 year old daughter.

In defence of her arrest, she states; “that’s my child, and I’m allowed to do what I want”.

This is not the first time Anna Yates has tattooed without a license or any form of training, she regularly inks herself and friends. The tattoo in question is a heart on her daughter’s arm, tattooed onto her for religious reasons.

The mum was charged with tattooing a person under 18, but she insists she has a right to tattoo her own child.

“It healed fine. It’s there for life and she doesn’t regret it,” said Yates. “She’s a good child. She does very well in school, and I feel she deserved it.”

Yates quoted from

Image from

2 Replies to “Mum tattoos her 12 year old daughter”

  1. This is frigging ridiculous and she should be prosecuted. I have nothing against tattoos but my sleeve and chest piece were done after 40. 12 years old is just too youmg. This is child abuse in a form

  2. My daughter’s 13 – I would not let her get a tattoo as I think she’s too young to make the decision about the rest of her life. It was a very stupid thing to do, but child abuse is taking it a bit too far. If anything Ms Yates has a very liberal view on parenting! Also she must have been very young when she had her daughter – just sayin’.

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