Great pair of tattooed tits

For Catherine Hadden breast reconstruction surgery after winning her fight with breast cancer was not an option she would consider, instead she chose to have a tongue in cheek tattoo of two Great Tits right where her own breasts used to be.

For me it was something beautiful coming from something so ugly

Rather than being reminded of her cancer and of feeling horribly ill Catherine chose to see something positive and decided to celebrate her cancer free body.  She made the decision to have a double mastectomy in order to save her life. At first she wanted a very small bird tattooed onto her body, but when her tattooist presented her with the idea of having two Great Tits on a branch she changed her mind.

When I get out of the shower each morning and go to the bathroom mirror I think, ‘What a pair of great tits’.

Her daughter posted Catherine’s photo on Facebook and from then on there was no hiding Catherine’s new tits, so to speak. Even though Catherine describes herself as a bashful person she had no qualms showing her new tattoo to people and in turn raising awareness of breast cancer.


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