Alice’s Pig – crazy is normal

Inspired by vintage style and Alice in Wonderland, Alice’s Pig is a fashion brand from Brixton in South London. Founded in May 2013 by sibling duo Amanda and Nicolai, the clothes are designed around their love for Alice in Wonderland, where crazy is normal. The name is a reminder that colliding styles and cultures can produce something interesting and that there can be beauty and surprise in anything – even in a pig.

View their entire collection on their website, And take advantage of this exclusive discount code for Things&Ink readers: thingsandink10



Miniature Ink Sneak Peek

To celebrate our two year anniversary we are teaming up with Atomica Gallery to bring you Miniature Ink. An exhibition featuring miniature original artwork from over 100 tattoo artists across the globe. All of the pieces will be on sale for £60, with profits being donated to cancer charity Sarcoma UK.

The exhibition opens on Wednesday 24th September and the party starts at 6pm, all artwork will be sold on a first come, first served basis! So make sure you’re there on time to grab an original from your favourite artist…

Here’s a sneak peek from a few tattoo artists who have created art for ‘Miniature Ink’.

Hannah Willison

Alexandra Wilkey 

Ael Lim

Drew Linden

Tracy D

Kelly McGrath


Abbie Williams



Friday 13th tattoos

Friday 13th Tattoos at Scratchline Tattoo, London with Susanna, Mister Paterson and Texxx

People started queuing at 7am to choose a design from the specially drawn flash sheets and then book in.

We arrived at Scratchline Tattoo in Kentish Town towards the end of a very long day; each tattooist had done 10 or more designs one after the other.

Jack, 23 from Toronto got his first tattoo and we quizzed him on his experience. I like to think, that along with the lovely and chatting Susanna, we kept his mind off the pain.

The pain turned out to be pretty much what he expected and the small black line design didn’t take long.

Jack chose the broken bottle design as he’s “been drinking a lot on this trip, it stuck out”; no one needs any other reason than that they like it! He chose to get tattooed on Friday 13th as it was a “pretty sweet opportunity on the last few days of my trip”.

He’s already planning more and is even considering following up an apprenticeship when he returns to Canada.

On seeing his freshly inked tattoo “that’s fucking dope, I love it!” I’m guessing he enjoyed the after tattoo buzz!

Did you get a Friday 13th Tattoo? We’d love to see it!