Alex Binnie – woodcuts book

Alex Binnie of Into You fame


I have blogged about the infamous Alex Binnie on numerous occasions – including his love story – and he also starred in the first film in the London Tattoo Convention series I produced with Papercut Pictures.

Now he has ventured into publishing too and I have to tell you about his beautiful new book, The Woodcut Portraits.

The Woodcut Portraits


It is three of years woodcut work in one beautiful book. 32 portraits of Alex’s friends and colleagues in the tattoo world, plus three torsos and a skull.

An introduction by Alex links the great traditions of tattooing and printmaking, an amazing foreword by Henk Schiffmacher (who I recently had a lunch date with) and a short biog of the people pictured completes the project. The 32 include – Tomas Tomas, Duncan X, Freddy Corbin, Filip Leu, Tim Lehi, George Bone, Thomas Hooper and Jondix.

Woodcut portraits
Recognise any of these famous faces from the tattoo world? Can spot you spot Binnie himself?

