For Grandmas.

Grandma memorial tattooA beautiful memorial tattoo I found on fuckyeahtattoos

“For my grandma. She was a huge Elvis fan, loved rings, let me hunt for “treasures” using a magnifying glass, and always had pink roses in her house.

She was a huge believer that having hope could fix any problem. When she died of lung and brain cancer a year ago, up until the day she died she kept telling us that she had hope that she would get better. She lived a year and a half longer than doctors said she would and had minimal pain. Pretty amazing in my book.

I love you, Grandma! I hope you’re rocking out with Elvis in heaven (and eating some fried chicken, too).

Done by Jake Bussie at Alkali Tattoo in Janesville, WI.”

Photo: fuckyeahtattoos