London Tattoo Convention excitement

LTC logoThe seventh International London Tattoo Convention, now the most important and crowded convention in the world, will be held over the weekend of September 23/24/25 (NEXT WEEKEND, CANNOT WAIT) at Tobacco Dock. This year, the organisers are opening up even more areas, rooms and attractions than ever before, to meet the public’s inexorably increasing interest in body art.

I am excited to announce that I will be reporting from the event for Zeitgeist magazine, with the help of Papercut Pictures. Article and short film to follow, watch this space…

In the meantime here is a selection of photos from last year’s event.

London ConventionDancer at convention

Lee,Simon & Dan,Artist- Lee Simonds @ Cherry Blossom, Walton
Lee, Simon & Dan - Artist, Lee Simonds, Cherry Blossom, Walton
Tattooing at convention
Tattooing at convention

London Tattoo Convention