Visual Artist: Ginger Taylor

28-year-old Ginger Taylor is a freelance visual artist from Sydney Australia. We chat to Ginger about the art she makes, what inspires her and tattoos…

How long have you been a visual artist and how did you become one? I’ve been properly freelance for just over two years now. I started out sign writing at JbHifi about three years ago and got a taste of a creative job, and I LOVED it. After years of very non-creative jobs it was like a breath of fresh air. Being able to go to work and draw in a tiny room all by myself and listen to music and podcasts all day was my little slice of heaven.

Where do you get the inspiration for your designs from? I would say travelling mostly. My sister lives in LA and when I go to visit her we go on a lot of road trips, eat in diners, stay in motels, go visit weird places. I also just recently visited Japan for the first time and I think you can see that through my work.


What’s your favourite project you have worked on or piece you have produced? I’m always happiest when I get to paint on a large scale – so murals are my favourite project to work on. I just painted a mural at my local pub so that’s my favourite recent one.

What’s the process behind your pieces? Winging it! I paint bowling pins, watercolours, murals, motorbike helmets, tanks, jackets etc. anything I can get my hands on really so the process is different for everything I do.

How would you describe your art style and your fashion style? If there was a style that lived somewhere in-between a road side diner, a log cabin, and Harajuku – I’d say that.


Does tattoo art have a big influence on your work? I’ve been into tattoos since I was a kid, even when I was six I remember drawing what I wanted to get tattooed one day (glad that didn’t turn out it was bat wings on my back, yikes.) I wanted to be a tattoo artist all through high school, So I’d say yes, even though I don’t particularly want to be a tattoo artist anymore I still think tractional tattoos make an appearance in my work heavily.

Can you tell us about your own tattoos, did you design any of them? I got my first tattoo when I was 18, it’s an anchor on my head. The rest of my tattoos all have funny stories or dumb ones like the cover up of an ex’s name, your 20s are for huge mistakes, right? I don’t take my tattoos too seriously – most of them have no meaning at all I just like they way they look. I actually just got my art tattooed on me for the first time, it’s a cowgirl with a canteen, snake and horseshoe. @emilyjanetattoo did it and nailed it.


Sister of the Moon: Kimberly Walker

24-year-old Kimberly, from Doncaster works at H&M and is a blogger at Sister of the Moon. We chatted to Kimberly about how she believes it is so important to open up about mental health on her blog and her incredible tattoo collection…


How long have you been blogging, what inspired you to start a blog? I started my blog around two and a half years ago! I used to share outfits of mine on Instagram and they seemed to get a lot of love. So that, and amazing bloggers that I followed, such as Sophie from, (read Sophie’s interview on th-ink here), really gave me the push to create my own blog!

What sorts of posts can readers expect to see? I mainly post fashion about fashion, but I’m also trying to branch out to mental health posts and more lifestyle too. I want to show a bit more of my personality and interests on Sister of the Moon, so readers can get to know me a little bit more.


You post about your mental health, is it important that we open up a conversation about these things? I do feel that it is massively important to be able to talk about mental health. I understand that it is hard to talk about it to anyone, whether you are close to them or not, but I want to show that sometimes getting your words out can ease your mind a little bit. And that I am here for anyone who needs an unbiased person to talk to.

Would you say that blogging helps your mental health or sometimes hinders it? Definitely both. I like to have a corner of the internet where I can get my words down and feel like I have a bit of a project to stick to when I feel a little bit useless. But also having a blog can bring a negative impact, as you are constantly comparing yourself to other bloggers and beating yourself up about things! I do believe that taking breaks from things, especially blogging, is not a bad thing at all! Nobody should feel forced to do anything.


How would you describe your style? Well this is hard to do! Part of me wants to say alternative but I feel that’s a cringey word. I do have a very casual style, I tend to throw anything together and try and make it work.

Can you tell us about your tattoos, do you have a favourite? Almost all of my tattoos are black and white, apart from the first one I ever had done. None of them have any meaning at all I just tend to choose whatever I like on a flash sheet or have an artist sketch up a random idea of mine! I do aim to be covered head to toe (minus face) but for now I’m making slow progress. My favourite is my sternum tattoo! I have a  big bat tattooed on it, not going to lie it was my most painful one too. I hate being tattooed believe it or not.


Have your tattoos helped you to love your body or see it differently? I must say I do feel more ‘myself’ with tattoos, I have very low self esteem which would be worse without my tattoos.

Halina Mutinta Jewellery

26-year-old Halina Mutinta Hamalambo is a silversmith and a part time photo re-toucher at a photography studio based in Brighton. We caught up with Halina to find out more about the jewellery she creates, what inspires her and of course her growing collection of tattoos…

How long have you been making jewellery? I’ve been making jewellery for around two years now, and I started my first jewellery class in early 2016.

How did you get into making jewellery? I was actually doing a photography degree at the time I got into making jewellery. I was interested in finding a creative hobby alongside my photography degree (said no student, ever) and jewellery making/silversmithing seemed to appeal. So I enrolled on an evening jewellery making class in Brighton. Armed with my new skills and knowledge I’d picked up at my classes, I started looking for work in silversmithing, that’s when I began working once a week for Freddie Grove in London.


What did you do before? I dropped out of college and became a dental nurse at 16 – I did this for around six years. Dental nursing was a huge part of my life at the time and I genuinely thought that was it; that was what I’d be doing forever! After years of working in a medical profession I figured that a dental nursing career wasn’t my calling, I felt there was something more creative within me and I wanted to explore this in my day-to-day work. That’s when I started studying photography at Brighton University. I never studied jewellery at university, only photography – they both amalgamate pretty well though, which is a bonus!


What inspires your designs? A lot of things inspire me to create my designs, my background is pretty diverse – I’m half Polish, half Zambian and I was born in Sweden; so I’m fortunate enough to visit some amazing places. Nature, animals, insects, books, art, anatomy, tattoos, textures and patterns are just a few things that inspire me. Oh and my mum! She always wore heavy, chunky silver and large stones around her neck and hanging from her ears. Since I was a kid my mum has always passed her jewellery she’d outgrown down to me, which I’ve been collecting for years.


How would you describe your process? My process usually starts from sketches, I’ll then figure out the materials I would like to work with (mainly silver) and then I begin making. Some of my designs are created in wax and then cast in to silver or gold; this is so I can reuse particular designs. Initial ideas don’t always work out so it can be challenging, yet it’s fun and rewarding. Silver can easily be recycled too; I can melt it down and forge it, which is great – no waste.

What is your work station/room like? I love my little workstation, it’s usually pretty tidy with MOST things in order – it’s quite literally the opposite at home though! I’ve gained so many great tools too, my boyfriend’s mum used to make jewellery so she’s handed down loads of her cool tools and stones from around 30 years ago. I never thought I would I enjoy tool collecting so much!

Can you tell us about your tattoos? I’ve been collecting tattoos for a while now, I have some that are pretty shitty but they mean a lot and a load that are personally meaningless yet the coolest designs. My most recent tattoo was an anvil made by Adam Sage.


Do your tattoos influence your designs? In some ways yes, they definitely do. A lot of my friends are also tattooed and my boyfriend, Jack Thomas Newton is a tattooist so there’s always a load of inspiration around me – especially in our home. Jack influences me a lot creatively. My next tattoo will be a Rangoli, so I reckon some of my next designs may be inspired by Asian art and culture.


How do tattoos make you feel? Tattoos make me feel good and I’m sure this goes for most people that have some! I think it’s amazing that we can wear a piece of art – even if that is something meaningful, decorative or even just silly.

Tattooed Travel Photographer Kym Ellis

We chat to 29-year-old Kym Ellis, a technical marketing lead and travel photographer, about her tattoos and work. At the moment Kym has no fixed address and instead chooses to slow travel around the world – right now she’s in Chiang Mai in Thailand…

Kym Ellis

When did you get your first tattoo and what was it? It was on my eighteenth birthday and it’s a small pisces star sign symbol at the bottom of my nape. I wanted it when I was 16, but my dad who has very old tattoos which he hates, told me to wait until I was old enough. It’s not a very good tattoo but I still kept it as part of my back-piece.

What inspired you to start getting tattooed? Music mostly, I grew up in my late teens with MSN and MySpace and getting into punk and metal was the first time I felt like I had my own identity. I actually kept my music tastes a secret from my school friends for quite a while because I knew they were not into that scene.

Then when I turned 16 I decided enough was enough and changed my style overnight. I never looked back, it was extremely freeing to express myself in the way that I wanted to rather than trying to please others.


Have tattoos changed how you see yourself and your body? Absolutely – getting tattoos gives me agency over my body and I definitely became more confident as I started to get more big pieces. Whenever I get a new tattoo, it only takes a few days for it to become a part of me. I often forget I have so many, and when I see old photos of a less-tattooed version of me I find it very strange to look at.

I still have some big gaps on my arms and legs that I want to fill up, but I am just taking it steady and enjoying the proces.

Stomach Piece By Romain Labordille

Do you think your tattoos affect how others see you?  Yeah, in both good and bad ways. To be honest I don’t get too much negativity about my tattoos these days, but it can happen occasionally because I travel so much and different places have a different perception of tattoos as a whole.

What sorts of reactions do your tattoos get? For the most part I get a lot of compliments about my tattoos and people often ask me where I got them done, how many I have, or how long they took. Sometimes people want to touch them, that’s kinda weird!

There are still certain places that I visit where tattoos are less accepted and I definitely notice people staring at me. But it really isn’t the majority of people, and my way of dealing with it is to be proud and confident.

If people ask me what the meaning behind my tattoos are, I show them the tribute portrait of my cat that I grew up with. I carry her memory around with me everywhere and yes I am aware that this puts me firmly in the crazy cat lady category.

Cat tattoo by Sam Stokes

My cat Tess, by my friend Sam Stokes

How do you find your work and tattoos mix? Can you show them freely at work? In the earlier days of my career when I worked for companies in the UK, I mostly had to cover my tattoos up. It’s not the worst problem in the world to have, but I never felt like I could take my full self to work and it did wear me down eventually. In hindsight I should have just had them on show. It probably wouldn’t have done me any favours in the workplace but I also don’t think it would have got me fired.

Ever since I started working remotely for technology companies, it’s been the complete opposite. I’ve always been accepted for who I am by all of my colleagues. I wouldn’t take a job where I have to hide my skin again.

Is your photography a creative outlet that allows you to share the real you? It used to be, when I started out with photography about eight years ago I did a lot of portraiture and used myself as a subject when there was no one else around to photograph. Alongside building my tattoo collection, this was a means of expression.

Travel photography is my main focus now, because that’s such a big part of my life. I share a lot of my photos for free on Unsplash.


What future career plans do you have? I have made some big career leaps in the past couple of years, from finding my first remote job to becoming more of a technical marketer and improving my coding skills. I’m really happy with my career at the moment and in the future I’d like to move into senior leadership or marketing operations.

I’m going to keep travelling too – being able to work from anywhere is such an incredible opportunity. My next project is to learn how to sail a boat. Then my nautical tattoos will really come into their own!

How do you find travelling and getting tattooed?  It’s really hard to get tattoos when you travel a lot. From living in places where there aren’t many artists who do the style you’re after, to trying to get a booking when you’re only going to be around for a few weeks. I have a full back-piece that is still missing it’s colour because I need to get back to the UK so Ben Stone can finish it up for me.

Back Piece by Ben Stone

That said I’ve managed to get some really great tattoos during my travels. I got a mountain range on my arm when I was in the Arctic Circle, a beautifully gothic traditional tattoo at a convention in Cape Town by @jarretcrosson, a gorgeous snake and florals from in Vancouver, and my stomach piece was by @romain_labordille in Bali.

tattoos by jarret crosson and moorea hum

Blogger Style: Ayup It’s Shann

24-year-old Shannon Wright is a blogger as well as Production & Marketing Manager from Doncaster, South Yorkshire. We caught up with Shann to chat tattoos, her grungy style and body confidence…


How old were you when you got your first tattoo? I was 19! And I was at a Gay Pride Festival in Birmingham.

What was it and do you still love it?  I got some lyrics by The Smiths round my ankle. They’re one of my favourite bands. They say ‘Save your life, because you’ve only got one’. I wish the artist had used a thinner needle, because they’re harder to read then the second set I now have on my other ankle, but I still love it! It meant a lot to me at the time because I’d just come out of a toxic relationship, and it was the first time I felt like myself again and realised I had so much of life to look forward to!

What inspired you to get tattooed? Suicide Girls. I think I was about 13 or something when I first realised alternative models were a thing and I’ve wanted to be one ever since!


Has having tattoos helped you to see your body differently?  1000%! Even before I decided to lose my weight, I wanted them to help me love my body. I always hated my legs because they were quite big (I was a UK28) and I’d never get them out. Even in summer when it was boiling! So my first lot of tattoos I got them on my legs and it gave me such a confidence boost! I learned to love myself and my skin. I just thought if people were going to look anyway, then I’ll give them something to stare at.

What do your tattoos mean to you? I couldn’t imagine myself without them now. They tell my story and make me who I am. Especially on my weight loss journey, they encouraged me to become a better and healthier me and gave me something to strive towards. I have to acknowledge my tattoo artists @lilyjtattoo and @pippa_kovacs_tattoos, without them I couldn’t look the way I do and be who I want to be so I owe them a massive thank you!


Do you have any future tattoo plans? Of course! I’ve just started a chest piece. But I’m actually booked in later this month to finish my sleeve and start my new one! It’s going to be a spooky sleeve with all my favourite ghoulish things like the Addams family, Halloween and goosebumps!

Your style is pretty grungy do your tattoos reflect this too? Kind of! I think my tattoos add to the grunge look, but to look at then up close they’re all really bright and colourful. The majority of my tattoos have a meaning behind them so they tell a story, more than just reflect a style  or image.

You’ve recently started blogging, what can readers expect to see in your posts? It’s kind of an extension to my Instagram, so it’s going to be full of recipes, fashion advice and just general chit chat. I get asked so many questions daily that I find myself repeating myself, so I thought if I started a blog, it would be easier to answer them and help people.


You’re really active on Instagram, what inspired you to share your life on social media? Honestly, I think it was the key to actually making me change my life. I think it’s easy to wake up and say you’re going to change but if you post it on social media it’s a sort of pressure to mean what you say. But it’s also such a beautiful community and I have the support of my followers to thank everyday for helping me and encouraging me to be the person I want to be. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s kinda like a diary and when I feel like I’m going to give up I scroll through and it gives me that boost to carry on.

You’ve also shared your weight loss journey, has being so open helped you stay motivated? Definitely. I have some of the best followers. I’ve made some beautiful friendships, and it’s just an amazing community. I think I’d have given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for those guys.


What sorts of reactions do your posts and/or tattoos get? Does this differ to the reactions you get in real life? I’m lucky to say I rarely get any negative comments. Maybe two in about three years of posting. My goal is to just be real. I want people to see that I’m not perfect. I think it’s so easy to follow other people on Instagram and want to be just like them because they look and seem perfect. I think social media has a lot to answer for when it comes to us being negative about how we look, or having to look a certain way.

I just want to show men and women that it’s okay to just be you. We’re all special and beautiful. Which brings me on to real life. I’m very aware of the stares I get or the negative comments in supermarkets and shops. However, I’m being the person I want to be. I’m comfortable in my skin and I love the way it looks. I’m a massive believer in if it makes you happy just do it. I’d rather die knowing I did everything I wanted to do; than wishing I had done everything differently. Life’s too short!